IDPs take part in HR art competition in Trincomalee
[TamilNet, Friday, 12 December 2003, 15:29 GMT]
The four-day celebrations that began on December 10 to mark the Universal Human Rights day in Trincomalee district is to conclude on Saturday (December 13) in Trincomalee town with the Eastern High Court Judge, Mr.S.Paramarajah, as the chief guest. A committee comprising Eastern rehabilitation Organization (ERO), UNICEF, UNHCR, UNDP, Consortium of Humanitarians Agencies, Danish Refugee Council, USAID, Legal Aid Foundation and Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, has organized the final event.
The organizing committee held an art competition among students and members of internally displaced families in three places in the Trincomalee district, on December 10 at Muttur Al Hithaya Muslim Maha Vidiyalayam, on December 11 at Kantalai Samagiyapura Maha Vidiyalayam and on December 12 at Nilaveli Roman Catholic School. At the event held Friday at Nilaveli, children and adults from the refugee camp at Ales Garden where the internally displaced and returnees from Vanni have been staying participated in the art competition in large number, HRC sources said. At the final day event scheduled to commence on Saturday morning at the Trincomalee Hindu Cultural Hall, the best drawings selected from the three divisions in the district would be displayed and all the participants of the competition held division wise basis would be awarded certificates, HRC sources said. Trincomalee Government Agent Mr. Gamini Rodrigo, NE Provincial Education Ministry Secretary Mr.R.Thiagalingam and NE Provincial Director of Social Services Ms. N.Ranjani would participate as guests of honour. ERO Chairman and a leading human right activist, Mr. Kasinathar Sivapalan, will make the welcome address, sources said. Plays and musical shows depicting the importance of safeguarding the human rights would be staged on the final day.