Tamil owners under pressure to sell their homes to STF
[TamilNet, Saturday, 20 December 2003, 01:49 GMT]
Tamil owners of 18 houses in Oorani, Poththuvil division, currently occupied by the Special Task Force (STF) and used as their camps, are being pressured to sell the houses to the STF, the LTTE peace secretariat web site reported. The STF are refusing to pay rent to the home owners as part of their pressure tactic, the website added.
This matter was brought to the attention of Tamil National Alliance parliamentarian Ariyanayagam ChandraNehru in September who took the matter to Prime Minister Wickremesinghe. Following the MP's effort to publicize the matter STF stopped harassing the homeowners. The home owners are again perturbed at the resumption of harrassment by the STF for them to sell the house. The owners say that the houses are priceless as the properties are their ancestral homes and have again notified Mr.ChandraNehru of STF's effort to dislodge them.
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