Indonesian manpower minister visits Trincomalee
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 03 February 2004, 19:02 GMT]
Indonesian Minister for Manpower and Transmigration, Mr. Jacob Nuwa Wea, and a trade delegation arrived in Colombo on February 2. The Minister held discussions with the Sri Lanka’s Employment and Labour Minister Mr.Mahinda Samarasinghe and officials of the National Chamber of Commerce in Colombo, political officials said..
Indonesian Man Power and Transmigration Minister Mr.Jacob Nuwa Wea in Trincomalee
The Minister, accompanied by his Ambassador in Colombo, Mr.Sudargo Mangunwijojo, paid an official visit to Trincomalee Tuesday and inspected the harbour. Later the minister told media persons in Trincomalee that one of the objectives of his visit to Sri Lanka was to explore the possibilities for investing in the island. The Indonesian minister brought a trade delegation with him to Sri Lanka. He arrived in Colombo on February 2. He held discussion with the Sri Lanka’s Employment and Labour Minister Mr.Mahinda Samarasinghe and officials of the National Chamber of Commerce in Colombo on his arrival. Minister’s party arrived in Trincomalee Tuesday and visited the JOBSNET centre, one of the seventeen in the island. The job referral system known as "National Employment Sourcing and Delivery System," benefits job seekers, local and foreign employers by providing referrals for jobs and training, information, advice and career guidance. It is an on-line referral system with a web interface at Manager of Public Relation and media of the JOBSNET Ms Thileepa Manawadu and JOBSNET Project Director Mr.Priantha Fernando briefed the Indonesian Minister about the functions of the centre. Indonesian minister speaking to local media persons said, "our visit to Sri Lanka is to share our experiences on transmigration and also to study about the on-line system of JOBSNET now being implemented in the island."