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Law and order said deteriorating in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Monday, 16 February 2004, 11:52 GMT]
''We told Maj. Gen. (ret) Furuhovde that the law and order situation is deteriorating in Jaffna and that steps should be taken to arrest this trend. We did our best to cooperate with the Police to arrest the trend in Jaffna. But Police did little to rectify the situation,'' said Mr. S Ilamparithy, the head of the political division of the Liberation Tigers in the northern peninsula after meeting the chief of Sri Lanka's truce monitoring mission Monday afternoon.
Political advisor of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission(SLMM), Mr. Danny Annan also took part in the meeting at the mission's office in the northern town. Head of SLMM, Maj. Gen. (ret) Trond Furuhovde was not available for comment regarding the meeting. ''In our discussion with the SLMM head, we stressed the need to create and sustain an atmosphere free of fear and intimidation in Jaffna; that our members should be able to engage in political work freely, without any hindrance; that there should be freedom of movement in Jaffna'', Mr. Ilamparithy told Tamilnet Monday. Restrictions imposed by Sri Lankan armed forces on fishing and resettling refugees in the Jaffna peninsula were also discussed during the 45 minute meeting between Mr. Ilamparithy and Maj. Gen (ret) Furuhovde Monday.