Thousands of Killinochchi IDPs not paid resettlement assistance
[TamilNet, Friday, 20 February 2004, 15:44 GMT]
About 6,596 resettled families in the Killinochchi district have not been paid any resettlement allowances since the signing of the ceasefire agreement by the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, Killinochchi district secretariat sources said.
Government sources said that upto now about 15,871 internally displaced
families have been resettled in the Killinochchi district. About 9,275
families have been paid resettlement allowance of Rs 25,000 per family.
Government authorities in Killinochchi have received about 28.205 million rupees
to pay a portion of the resettlement allowance to about 1978 families,
sources said. However 6,596 families live in the hope of getting the resettlement
allowance without any delay. A sum of 137 million rupees is needed to pay
the resettlement allowance to these families, government sources said.