Missing Vadamaradchchi fisherman's body recovered
[TamilNet, Saturday, 28 February 2004, 13:02 GMT]
The decomposed body of the missing Vadamarachchi fisherman Mr. Kanagaretnam Ratnam Sivanandam (31) was recovered Saturday morning by fellow fishermen floating in sea close to the Northern coastal area of Inparuty, fishries sources said. Sivanandan was reported missing since last Monday when a group of Indian poachers with swords attacked
three Vadamarachchi fishermen while fishing in Sri Lankan waters.
Members of Inbaruty Fisheries Society brought the body to the shore and
later relatives identified the body as of Mr. Ratnam Sivanandam, fisheries
sources said. Indian poachers had thrown Mr. Kanagaretnam Ratnam Sivanandam into the sea
after cutting him with swords, fellow fishermen who escaped the attack on
Monday later told the Jaffna monitors of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission
(SLMM) and Human Rights Jaffna regional co-ordinator. Two other fishermen Mr. Sellathurai Selvarajah (31) and his son Mr.
Selvarasa Selvamohan (17) who received serious injuries in the attack were
admitted to the Point Pedro base hospital by fellow fishermen, fisheries
sources said.