LTTE allows Kurankupanchan Muslim farmers to cultivate their fields
[TamilNet, Saturday, 07 August 2004, 17:39 GMT]
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Saturday told Muslim farmers
that they would be allowed to cultivate their paddy fields in Kurankupanchchan
village from the oncoming season freely and without any restriction and
they could also renovate the abandoned mosque in the area. Kurankupanchan
village is located about 25 km. off Trincomalee town.
Mr.S.Elilan, LTTE Trincomalee district political head Saturday afternoon told a group of more than three hundred Muslim farmers including women who were assembled under a tree in Kurankupanchan village. Kinniya Divisional Secretary Mr.M.Haniffa, Mr.Dagffin Aadness, head of the
Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) in Trincomalee and SLMM monitor Ms
Margareta also attended the meeting. Moulavi U.Y.Hithayathullah, Secretary
of the Kinniya Jamiathul Ulama Council and other Muslim local leaders also
participated in the discussion. Mr.Elilan and Mr Hithayathullah issued an eight-point statement taken at
the discussion after the meeting with Muslim farmers of Kurankupanchchan,
sources said.
Mr.Elilan speaking to Kuarankupanchchan Muslim farmers . ( L-R ) Mr.Hithayathullah, SLMM Trinco head Mr.Dagffin Aadness, SLMM official Mr.M.velumylum, SLMM monitor Ms Margaretta, Mr.Elilan and Kinniya DS Mr.Sheriff.
A section of Kurankupanchchan Muslim farmers.
The statement follows: - 1. Kurankupanchchan farmers are allowed to cultivate their own fields
freely and without any restriction.
2. Permission is granted to renovate the mosque in the area
3. A fee of Rs: 50/= will be levied on each cartload of dead firewood
transported from the village.
4. Granting permission to transport other categories of trees would be
conveyed through Ulama Council shortly.
5. Permission is granted to renovate the main road and use the same in
the village.
6. Farmers are allowed to establish watch-huts in their paddy fields.
However these huts should be constructed fifty meters away from the LTTE
Kurankupanchchan camp.
7. LTTE Trincomalee district political head would inform the Kinniya
Jamiathul-Ulama Council regarding resettlement of villagers in due course
after making alternate arrangement.
Kurankupanchchan paddy fields in abandoned state.