Japanese ambassador says concerned by killings in east
[TamilNet, Monday, 23 August 2004, 14:21 GMT]
Japan and the international community are very concerned that killings in Sri Lanka's east coast and in Colombo might affect the peace process adversely, said Mr. Akio Suda, Japan's ambassador in Colombo Monday. He was speaking to the press in Batticaloa after meeting Mr. Joseph Pararajasingham, Tamil National Alliance MP for the eastern district. During the meeting the Batticaloa MP told Mr.Suda that the Sri Lankan military intelligence is behind the murder of several Liberation Tigers in the east.
"I explained to the Japanese ambassador that the killings would cease if peace talks restart. I also told him that the Liberation Tigers, Tamil National Alliance and the Tamil people want the proposal for an Interim Self Governing Authority to be the basis for restarting peace talks with the government of Sri Lanka", Mr. Pararajasingham said. Mr. Suda told the MP that his country and the international community are very keen that talks should start as early as possible. Responding to a comment by Mr. Suda that the ISGA proposal is viewed by the Singhalese as a stepping stone to separation, the TNA MP explained to him that the Liberation Tigers who have been fighting for a separate state have, for the first time, put forward a proposal to work within united Sri Lanka and hence it should be treated positively as such by everyone. The Japanese Ambassador will meet the Government Agent for Batticaloa, the local office of the Nordic truce monitors and the Sri Lankan military Tuesday.