Travel permit delays to be eased in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 15 April 1998, 23:59 GMT]
Travellers from Jaffna may have their applications to leave the peninsula processed faster under a new system to be introduced from tomorrow in the peninsula. Jaffna travellers have had to face inordinate delays, some running into more than six months, due to the massive backlog at the SLA Civil Affairs Office on 3rd Cross street in Jaffna town.
Under the new system, travellers can get froms and apply for permission to leave the peninsula from the SLA brigade in their areas of residence. There are nine SLA brigades in Jaffna. Earlier Jaffna civilians wishing to travel out of the peninsula by sea or by air had come to Jaffna town to get application forms from the SLA's Civil Affairs Office under Brigadier T.G Thilakaratna and apply for travel permits. This caused a great deal of hassle for people living outside Jaffna town and delays in the SLA's screening processes. All applications sent before December 31 1997 and are still pending will be cancelled under the new regulation said Jaffna SLA sources.