EU delegation visits Jaffna
[TamilNet, Saturday, 04 June 2005, 03:30 GMT]
A delegation of the European Union (EU) visited Jaffna Friday and held discussion with the representatives of the Jaffna District Non-Governmental Organizations' Consortium (JDNOC) regarding the implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction projects of the EU in the Jaffna district.
Mr.Gilles Bertrand led the delegation. JDNOC representatives told the EU delegation the full benefits of the short-term rehabilitation projects implemented by the EU have not reached the beneficiaries in time, sources said. EU delegation leader replied that in future all assistance would be channelled through the World Bank under the supervision of EU after the establishment of the Joint Mechanism. He added that EU is prepared to obtain the services of the local non-governmental organizations in this regard. The EU has planned to implement long term rehabilitation and reconstruction projects in the Northeastern province in addition to the short-term projects currently being implemented by the EU.