Helgesen arrives in Sri Lanka for talks on aid deal
[TamilNet, Monday, 20 June 2005, 10:55 GMT]
Norwegian Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Vidar Helgesen arrived in Colombo at 3.45pm today at the Bandaranayake International Air port and was received by the Norwegian Ambassador Hans Braksttar at the airport, sources from Colombo said. His flight arrived two hours late.
 The Norwegian embassy in Colombo said that Mr.Helgesen will first meet Sri Lanka's President Chandrika Bandarnaike Kumaratunge Tuesday morning. On Wednesday Helgesen will fly to Killinochchi to meet the
LTTE's political wing leader S.P. Thamilchelvan. Mr.Helgessen will discuss on the Post Tsunami Operational
Management Structure (PTOMS) with the President and the LTTE leaders, and his visit is expected to sources said. Helgesen is also expected to travel to Kalmunai and Amparai to see the Tsunami hit areas. However, embassy sources said his visit to the east has not yet been finalized.