SLA Mankulam thrust repulsed
[TamilNet, Sunday, 07 June 1998, 23:59 GMT]
Fresh fighting erupted today between the Liberation Tigers and the Sri Lankan Army near Ampakamam, when the troops of Operation Jayasikurui made a fresh attempt to capture the strategic Mankulam junction, today, said an LTTE official in Europe.
The attack was repulsed and heavy casualties inflicted on the SLA he said. The bodies of twelve SLA soldiers were recovered by the Tigers, he added. One Tiger was killed in the fighting today, he said. Yesterday, the Liberation Tigers had launched a fierce counter attack on SLA troops who tried to advance towards Mankulam from their positions in Ampakamam and Olumadu at around 2.30 p.m., the LTTE official said. The bodies of six SLA soldiers were recovered by the Tigers in this action, he added. The SLA forces had been backed by Kfir jets and helicopter gunships he said. The Tigers had captured some weapons, including small arms and mortar shells, he said.