Muttur death toll rises to seven
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 06 December 2005, 01:30 GMT]
Muttur Police recovered two bodies of civilians Monday evening from the old jetty in Muttur town. Tamil sources said the bodies belonged to two of the five Tamils abducted Sunday evening by a mob. Number of people who have died in violent incidents in Muttur division since Saturday has now increased to seven, four of them Tamils and the rest Muslims.
Meanwhile, another round of talks scheduled to be held Monday evening in Kaddaiparichchan was put off indefinitely as Muslim delegation failed to turnup. Spokesperson for the Muslilm delegation cited security reasons as the delegation has to travel through areas controlled by LTTE to reach the meeting venue. The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) office in the east port town organized the series of discussions. One discussion took place Sunday between delegations of LTTE and Muslim civil group at Kaddaiparichchan in the presence of the SLMM Trincomalee head. During this discussion parties explored ways to bring normalcy in Muttur division, sources said.