Trinco hospital gets new X-ray Plant
[TamilNet, Saturday, 10 December 2005, 11:58 GMT]
Mr.Krishanth Hewage, Private Secretary of the North East Governor Mr.Tyronne Fernando, declared open the newly constructed X-ray unit at a cost of one million rupees and commissioned the X-ray plant Thursday. The project was carried out from money allocated from the Governor's Capital Fund, sources said.
Mr.L.S.C.Siriwardene, NEPC Health Ministry Secretary, Dr.S.Kuamaravetpillai, Provincial Director of Health Services, Mr.S.Amirthalingam, Secretary to the Provincial Governor, Dr.E.G.Gnanagunalan, Deputy provincial Director of Health Services and Dr. (Ms) P.K.Gnanagunalan, Medical Superintendent of the Trincomalee general hospital attended the event, sources said. Dr Gnanagunalan said the hospital had been functioning without an X-ray plant for more than one month as unit installed in 1993 broke down. When Provincial Governor Mr.Tyronne Fernando first visited the hospital after he assumed duties, he promised to replace the old X-ray Plant. The promise was fulfilled with the commissioning of a modern plant, which has the facility of processing an X-ray film within seconds, she added. Dr.S.Manoharan, Consultant Radiologist and Mr. S.R.Thileepan, Bio-Medical Engineer were thanked for the successful completion of the project within a short period of three months. Mr.Krishanth Hewage read out the message sent by Mr.Tyronne Fernando. Thereafter Mr.Siriwardene, and Dr.Kumaravetpillai also spoke. Dr.Gnanagunalan made the welcome address and Dr.Ms. Gnanagunalan proposed vote of thanks.