TNA MPs meet British Deputy High Commissioner
[TamilNet, Friday, 10 February 2006, 12:06 GMT]
The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Members of Parliament, Mavai Senathirajah, Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, S. Jeyanandamoorthy and Sithamparanathan Pathmini met the British deputy high commissioner Lesley Craig, at the British High Commission in Colomobo on Friday at 10:00 a.m. and discussed the current humanitarian situation following the abductions and the escalating number of assassinations in the NorthEast, TNA sources said.
The Tamil delegation explained the situation regarding the kidnapped members of the volunteer organisations serving the refugees affected by war and tsunami. Tamil National Alliance MPs who staged protests at the chamber of the Sri Lankan parliament against the killings of Tamil intellectuals and Government's inability to conduct investigations into the crimes, on February 01, walked out of the Sri Lankan Parliament in protest aginst the kidnappings in the East. The TNA MPs charged that the abductions of the rehabilitation workers were a "calculated move" by the hardline elements in the Sri Lanka ruling alliance and the military to disrupt the talks in Geneva.
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