TNA to contest eleven local councils in Trinco district
[TamilNet, Sunday, 12 February 2006, 16:27 GMT]
The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) is to contest eleven of thirteen local authorities in the Trincomalee administrative district in the forthcoming election to local councils. TNA will submit nomination lists for two urban councils (UC) and nine pradesiya sabahs (PS) under the election symbol, House, of the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchchi (ITAK), TNA sources said.
A committee comprising leading Tamil activists was appointed at a discussion held during the weekend by TNA officials. The Committee has been holding discussion to select suitable candidates and lead candidates for two urban councils, Trincomalee and Kinniya and nine pradesiya sabahs, Muttur, Kantalai, Kinniya, Thambalakamam, Seruvila, Verugal, Trincomalee town and gravets, Kuchchaveli, Morawewa, TNA sources said. TNA has decided not to contest two PS Padavi Siripura and Gomarankadawela in the north of Trincomalee district as the residents there are mainly Sinhalese, TNA sources said. Kantalai was a traditional Tamil village, which elected Tamils as chairmen of then village council till the implementation of the State aided colonization scheme in 1950s. Now there are Tamil people living in Peraru colony and in a portion of Kantalai Tamil purana village where the historic Pilliayar temple built by King Kulakottan is located in addition to Kantalai tank, according to chronicles, sources said.