Fatal bus accident triggers unrest in Vavuniya
[TamilNet, Monday, 20 February 2006, 09:36 GMT]
Ms Vjayaraj Patmalogini, 26, was killed on the spot and her daughter severely injured when a public bus heading to Okulankulam from Vavuniya town hit them at Vavuniya Good Shed road Monday 20th Feb. at 8.15 am, sources in Vavuniya said. Vavuniya police had to fire teargas and rubber bullets to disperse the angry youths who started attacking the conductor and confronted the Police who arrived at the scene of the accident.
Ms Pathmalogini's daughter was admitted to the Vavuniya general hospital, police sources said. Youths at the scene blocked the streets and threw stones at the Police when when the police tried to take the bus away defying protests. In the resulting altercation three youths and a policeman were injured, sources said. Mr. Tennekoon, the new Officer in Charge of Vavuniya police station rushed to the scene to contain the unrest. Tension prevails in Vavuniya, sources said.