Kinniya division villages to be developed
[TamilNet, Thursday, 23 February 2006, 16:34 GMT]
The North East Coastal Community Development Project (NECCDEP) funded by
the World Bank (WB) has selected eleven Grama Niladhari units in the
Kinniya divisional secretariat division in the Trincomalee district for
development. As a first phase reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure
facilities is to take place with the participation of the people, NECCDEP
sources said.
In addition micro loan facilities, vocational training and awareness
programmes are also to be implemented in these villages, sources said. The selected Grama Niladhari divisions are, Soorankal, Faizal Nagar, Annal
Nagar, Mancholaichenai, Periyattumunai, Alankerni, Rahumaniya Nagar, Sinna
Kinniya, Maharoof Nagar, Samavachchan Theivu and Eachchantheivu, sources said. Kinniya Vision, a local non-governmental organization, has been selected as
the implementing partner for the development projects identified in
Soorankal GN division, sources said. The need-assessment workshop was conducted recent in Soorankal with the
participation of the people of the village, sources said.