Explosive wired cell phone detonates wounding girl in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Friday, 16 June 2006, 10:37 GMT]
A young girl was seriously wounded in Stanley Road, at a location between the Eelam People Democratic Party (EPDP) office at Srithar theatre and SLA 512 Brigade camp at Wellington theatre junction, in Jaffna town at around 10:15 a.m., Friday when an explosive device fitted cell phone detonated as the girl tried to use the phone, sources in Jaffna said. The girl, yet to identified, was admitted to the Jaffna teaching hospital and is guarded by Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers, sources said.
Investigations have not determined if the girl was an innocent user of the device or the carrier of the device with the intention of causing bodily harm to a designated target, sources in Jaffna said. Meanwhile, SLA soldiers completely blocked off Stanley road and armed soldiers took position on both sides of Stanley road between Ariyakulam junction and Wellington theatre junction in Jaffna, to facilitate visit of Douglas Devananda, the EPDP General secretary and government minister, to his EPDP office at Srithar theatre, in Jaffna town, traders in Jaffna said.