Place names highlight human-environment relationship
[TamilNet, Friday, 22 June 2007, 02:06 GMT]
TamilNet has recently launched a column on the etymology of place names in Sri Lanka. This feature, titled ‘Place name of the Day,’ appears on the right column of the first page. The aim is not only to investigate the etymology, meaning, spelling and pronunciation, but also to kindle looking at the cultures and heritage behind the concepts of nomenclature.
Even a casual look at our old place names is enough to reveal the deep interaction we had in the past with our environment. However, contemporary trend in naming places is largely influenced by religion, politics and importance of individuals. Ignorance of etymology and disregard to environment have given way only for myths in the study of place names, satisfying individual and community fantasies. The column on place names in TamilNet is a forum for objective outlook and analysis. There exist a large number of obscure, but revealing place names, known only to locals. They are not available in maps or official documents. TamilNet invites readers to send such names along with details of their location, village, GS area and other pertinent information. Any photographic documentation on the landscape, fauna, flora and other interesting aspects of the place that explains the etymology is also welcomed with appreciation. Read the latest column on Vilpattu >>
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