Conditions in NE not conducive to hold local elections - GAs
[TamilNet, Friday, 22 June 2007, 15:07 GMT]
The Government Agents in the north and eastern provinces who are also
designated as Assistant Commissioners of Elections informed the
Commissioner General of Elections at a conference held Thursday in Election
Secretariat in Colombo that the current ground situation in their
districts is not conducive to hold any elections.
The Commissioner General, Dayananda
Dissanayake, summoned the conference to decide on the
question of holding elections to 42 local authorities which were not held
on due dates in the year 2005. Mr.Dissanayake briefed the problems arose due to the failure of holding
elections to the local authorities and sought the view of the
government agents whether elections could be held for these local
authorities. All government agents told Mr.Dissanayake that the current ground situations
in their districts had become worse than during the elections held in the
year 2002, and holding elections in the NorthEast districts will not be
possible. The Commissioner General replied that he would inform his decision after consulting
Sri Lanka's President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Janaka Bandara Tennekone,
Minister for Local Authorities and Provincial Councils on this issue.