Youth attempts suicide after torture
[TamilNet, Monday, 02 July 2007, 09:59 GMT]
A youth from Sivan Koayiladi Chaavakachcheari was admitted to Jaffna Teaching Hospital in serious condition Monday after he attempted suicide taking poison, residents said. The youth was arrested by the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) Saturday and was subjected to severe torture. He was ordered by the SLA to report to the Chaavakachcheari camp again Monday morning.
Visuvaratnam, 22, is fighting for his life at the Jaffna Hospital, hospital sources said. Relatives said the Visuvaratnam was hung upside down and was severely beaten. He had severe torture marks to his upper body and face. SLA soldiers confiscated his national ID, released Visuvaratnam few minutes before the start of the curfew and ordered him to report again to the camp Monday.