Missing youth's father files FR petition in Supreme Court
[TamilNet, Thursday, 05 July 2007, 09:39 GMT]
The father of a youth arrested by Sri Lanka Army (SLA) has filed a fundamental rights (FR) petition in the supreme court Tuesday regarding his missing son .The petitioner Velayutham Selvarajah of Meesaalai, Chaavakachcheari North in his application pointed out that his son Selvarajah Thusyanthan, a married man, arrested on May 30 by SLA troopers from the 12th Wijeyabhahu Regiment camp located in Puththoor has gone missing.
The petitioner in his application stated 13 persons as respondents including Corporal R.N.Punya Silva, Lance Corporal A.D.M. Gunaratne and the Inspector General of Police (IGP). Selvarajah in his petition requesting compensation for the loss of his son and his pain of mind states that on May 29, while working in the farm, his son Thusyanthan was instructed by SLA troopers from 12th Wijeyabhahu regiment to report at the Kanagampuliyady army camp with his identity card (ID). Since Thusyanthan failed to return home that day, the petitioner had inquired at the camp about his son and was told that SLA did not arrest him and they are not aware of his where abouts. The petitioner further states that he came to know later that his son after being detained at the SLA camp without any valid reason was handed over to Chavakacheri police where he was severely tortured. When Selvarajah went to Chaavakachcheari police he saw his son Thusyanthan unable to talk to him clearly and he pleaded with the petitioner to get him released. The petitioner added that when he reported at the Chaavakachcheari courts the magistrate instructed the Jaffna medico-legal officer to examine his son and produce a report regarding his health condition. Thusyanthan was examined by the medical office but the petitioner never received the report but was later told that his son had escaped while in the custody of KKS Police. The petitioner has asked the court to order compensation for the loss of his son”