16 SLA killed, 45 wounded, 4 bodies recovered in Mannaar - LTTE
[TamilNet, Saturday, 14 July 2007, 13:29 GMT]
Sixteen Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers were killed and 45 wounded when the Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) forces put up stiff resistance against a two-pronged offensive by the SLA in Mannaar-Vavuniyaa border area, LTTE's Military Spokesman Irasiah Ilanthirayan told media in Ki'linochchi. Four dead bodies of SLA soldiers were recovered by the Tigers. The moves by two SLA units that attempted to move into LTTE territory from Piramanaalangku'lam towards Thampanai and from Ira'nai Iluppaikku'lam towards Mu'l'likku'lam, backed by heavy artillery fire, MBRL rocket fire and air-attacks, were successfully thwarted by the Tigers, he said. Three LTTE fighters were killed in action.
 Military Spokesperson of the Tigers, Mr. Irasaiah Ilanthirayan (Marshall)
Arrangements were under way to hand over the recovered bodies of the Sri Lanka Army soldiers to the ICRC, Mr. Ilanthirayan said. A Buffel Armoured Personnel Carrier was destroyed and the Tigers recovered a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) Launcher, three T-56 rifles, ammunitions and military hardware. The counter-operation by the Tigers was launched at 2:00 p.m. Heavy fighting lasted for three hours till the SLA movements were defeated around 5:00 p.m., the Tiger spokesman said.