Rising prices of essentials burden Vanni poor families- TRO
[TamilNet, Friday, 20 July 2007, 11:48 GMT]
Water levels in several irrigation tanks in Vanni have reached low levels due to shortage of rain and prices of essential foods including milkpowder and kerosene have increased to levels not affordable to the poorer sections of the population in Vanni, said Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) in a situation report covering the first half of July released Thursday.
"UNHCR and local authorities report that the number of recently displaced IDPs (past 18 months) in Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Vadamarachchi East is 22,903 families (86,154 persons). These IDPs have been displaced due multi-barrel artillery shelling, aerial bombardment, DPU attacks and military offensives by the SL army," the report said. In a needs assessment by a TRO team from Head Office in Kilinochchi made on Chundikulam IDPs, the team found immediate need for Temporary Shelter, and Water & Sanitation among other needs. "TRO began the work to renovate the road with the support of the local IDPs on 20 June 2007. The total length of the road length from Kervil to Nallatha'n'niththoduvai is 18 km. Currently 5 Km of road work has been completed," the report added. The report also lists other development and rehabilitation projects being carried out by the TRO in conjunction with other NGO partners.