Bill to provide for 48 hour-detention of suspects
[TamilNet, Sunday, 22 July 2007, 12:35 GMT]
A modified Code of Criminal Procedure (Special Provisions) Bill to provide for the extension of the period of detention up to 48 hours of persons arrested without a warrant, to facilitate the conduct of investigations was presented in Parliament last Friday. This Bill is to be taken up for debate at the next session of the parliament, parliamentary sources said.
The new detention laws will apply in cases such as murder, attempted murder, kidnapping and abduction with intent to commit murder or to wrongfully confine a person or concealing or keeping in confinement a kidnapped person, rape, robbery with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt and offences committed with the use of explosives or a gun, legal sources in Colombo said. The Bill will also provide for dispensing with the conduct of non-summary inquiry in certain cases and provide for the taking of depositions of witnesses for the prosecution. The new Bill empowers the Attorney General to forward the indictment directly to the High Court in case of offences committed in aggravating circumstances that give rise to public disquiet. Proceedings commenced in terms of the provisions of this Act need to be concluded within ninety days according to a provision in the bill.