Shortage of medical supplies hampers treatment to A'lampil wounded
[TamilNet, Monday, 30 July 2007, 11:59 GMT]
The prevailing shortage of essential medical supplies is a serious threat preventing proper treatment to patients admitted to Mullaiththeevu Government Hospital, according to the Medical Superintendent (MS) of the hospital, V.Shanmugarajah.

Thanapaalasingham Suman at the ICU of Mullaiththeevu hospital
Commenting on the progress of the condition of Thanapalasingham Suman, 22, one of the two brothers wounded during attack by Sri Lanka Navy (SLN), Saturday night, Shanmugarajah said that portions of intestines of the victim admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with serious injuries to the stomach have been surgically removed.
However, the hospital is unable to provide effective treatment to such seriously injured because of the ban on bringing required medicines into this region.
"The patient is still in critical condition and our doctors are making all efforts to save his life," the MS added.
The two wounded were Internally Displaced Persons from Vadamaraadchi East and were residing in Chemmalai with their relatives in interim camps for Tsunami victims.
Thanapalasingham Manoharan, 27, father of two and the brother of the victim, also injured during the same incident, complained that there was no compensation for the loss of their only income.
Most of the families residing in the temporary huts for Tsunami affected families were dependent on fishing.
"When we visit the hospital the doctors write the prescriptions but we do not have the money to purchase them. We are even unable to buy provisions for cooking," he said.
"It was in desperation my brother and I risked our lives and set out for fishing in the night but we ended being wounded by SLN gunboats."
The two brothers were wounded when (SLN) Dvora gunboats fired at their fishing vessel Saturday night around 10:00, in the seas off Chemmalai, 2 km east of A'lampil in Mullaiththeevu district.

The fishing boat of Thanapalasingham, damaged in the attack by the SLN