Tiger attack devastates Vanni SF HQ
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 09 September 2008, 07:25 GMT]
The joint attack carried out by the Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) Air Tigers, artillery batteries and Black Tiger commandos, has devastated the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) and Sri Lanka Army (SLA) installations inside the Vanni Sri Lankan forces Headquarters, according to an informed military source in Vavuniyaa. According to officials figures, 11 Sri Lankan military and police personnel were killed and 33 wounded, including two Indian radar operators. Six civilians were also admitted at Vavuniyaa hospital with injuries.
The Air Tigers launched the attack first, targeting the Sri Lankan airbase. After the Tiger bombers returned, their artillery bombs targeted the military facility, prompting the military personnel to seek bunkers. Then the Black Tiger commandos entered the base, making use of the time, and engaged in 'calculated destruction' to the facilities inside the Vanni SF HQ, according to the Vavuniyaa source. 15 SLA, 9 police and 7 air force personnel with injuries were handed over to civil hospitals and 9 of them were admitted to Vavuniyaa hospital. Two Indian radar operators were earlier airlifted to Colombo. The LTTE is yet to release details of the military operation.