Boyle debunks Kohona's war-crimes braggadocio
[TamilNet, Sunday, 23 August 2009, 03:17 GMT]
Debunking Sri Lanka's Foreign Secretary, Palitha Kohona's statement that "no winner of a war has been tried [for war crimes] before a Tribunal," Francis Boyle, Professor of International Law at the Illinois College of Law, said, as legal counsel for the Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinja, he had convinced the Honorable Carla Del Ponte, the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), to indict Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic for every crime in the ICTY Statute, including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
 Dr. Palitha Kohona
 Prof Francis A Boyle
Kohona told a Sri Lanka's local paper in an interview Thursday: “If you look at the history of war crimes there isn’t one instance where a winner of a war has been tried before a Tribunal. They have always been set up for losers. And if you were to take winners then the start would have to be taken elsewhere. Sri Lanka did not drop atom bombs or destroy entire cities during the war.” Boyle mocked this statement pointing to the fate of Slobodal Milosevic, and added, "Milosevic died on trial before the ICTY for these international crimes, including the genocidal massacre at Srebrenica. "Today, Milosevic’s henchman Radovan Karadzic—self-styled President of the self-styled Republika Sprka-- is on trial before the ICTY for every crime in the ICTY Statute, including the genocidal massacre at Srebrenica," Prof. Boyle said. Boyle warned, "someday we shall hold to account the GOSL genocidaires as well, especially the Rajapaksa brothers and Fonseka, for their international crimes, including the genocidal massacre of Tamils on the Wanni Beach." "Colombo bringing the war-crimes issue to public scrutiny reflects the nervousness the Sri Lanka's ruling administration feels on the potential fate of some high-level officials when the international legal spotlight turns on them. The evidence being collected from Satellite-witnessed massacres of Tamil civilians, and the eye-witness accounts that will soon be available from massacre escapees, will be haunting these officials," spokesperson of a US-based activist group TAG told TamilNet.
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