SLA arrests sixteen Tamil civilians in Eastern provinces
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 23 June 2010, 04:15 GMT]
At least sixteen persons were taken into custody by the Sri Lanka Army (SLA)
from the districts of Ampaa’rai and Batticaloa until last week and
held in detention on reports that they possessed cell phones with
photographs of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) leader V. Pirabakarna and video films related to LTTE, civil sources said.
Atrocities of SLA are common in Paduvaankarai and
other areas in the Batticaloa district since 2006 after it
was claimed that the district was no longer under army control. SLA is intensifying its activities such as patrolling
and taking persons into custody on suspicion claiming that some
movement of LTTE is reported to be taking place in the two districts,
sources said.