Veritas listeners' club formed
[TamilNet, Thursday, 03 June 1999, 13:00 GMT]
(CORRECTION) On May 23, 1999 TamilNet reported that the Voice of Tigers (VoT) radio was to co-ordinate with Radio Veritas of the Philippines. This report was incorrect and resulted from an error in translation. The VoT report actually stated that a Radio Veritas Listeners club had been formed in the Vanni. A corrected version follows.
The Voice of Tigers (VoT) radio said in its news bulletin on May 23 that a listener's club for Radio Veritas of the Philippines was inaugurated in the Vanni. The office was ceremonially opened at St.Sebastian's church in Mallavi at 4.30 p.m. The Government Agent (GA) Mullaitivu was the chief guest. Interfaith leaders participated in the function. The Veritas listeners' club and contact centre was set up in order to establish effective contact and co-ordination between listeners there and the Catholic radio Radio Veritas is a private radio station that broadcasts daily in various languages including Sinhala and Tamil. The Tamil service, established in 1976 is widely listened to by Tamils living in Sri Lanka and abroad.