TNPF urges mass struggle to course-correct IC imposed devolution deviation
[TamilNet, Monday, 13 May 2013, 21:14 GMT] Sinhala State and IC should be brought to a point to concede Tamil sovereignty through a democratic, non-violent mass struggle with sacrifices, said Tamil National People's Front leader Gajendrakumar Pomnnambalam, addressing media in Jaffna on Monday, and clarifying the position taken by the TNPF at the tripartite deliberations facilitated by the Mannaar Bishop on Saturday. The IC that is not prepared to accept a separate State cannot reject an alternative either. It cannot impose a specific path. It is up to us to formulate the path without compromising fundamentals. Negotiation between two nations of distinct sovereignties is different from walking the path of devolution within a unitary State. But the TNA had been ‘instructed’ by a powerful country to choose the path of the 13th Amendment, the TNPF leader said.
We are legally prohibited from talking about a separate State. We are only talking about a viable alternative, Gajendrakumar said.
Negotiations for the viable alternative should be based on the recognition of Tamil nation, sovereignty and right to self-determination. Otherwise, all decisions will be one-sided, taken only by the Sinhala State. This is why we insist that recognition of nation, sovereignty and right to self-determination should precede any negotiation for a lasting solution, the TNPF leader clarified.
However, some members of the TNA, citing IC’s unpreparedness to concede even the alternative, argue for a ‘step by step’ approach through the path of devolution. Tamils have rejected the devolution deception for the last 26 years. When the TNPF explained to the TNA of the fundamental difference in the approach, TNA parliamentarian Mr Sumanthiran attempted to argue that there was no difference, Gajendrakumar said.
As a stalemate prevailed arriving at a common understanding, a four-member committee, comprising of Mr Sumanthiran representing the TNA, Mr Gajendrakumar representing the TNPF and senior lawyer Mr Puvindran and law faculty lecturer Mr K Guruparan representing the civil society have been formed for further deliberations, Gajendrakumar revealed.
On a common approach to the PC elections, Gajendrakumar said that in order to be true to the political aspirations of the Tamil Nation, the TNA leadership should publicly denounce the so-called path of devolution based on the 13th Amendment. The TNA could present an independent proxy to take part in the PC election after denouncing the 13th Amendment, the TNPF leader said.
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The TNPF leader has welcomed the idea to form Tamil National Council.
A common working programme should focus on people's struggle that seeks to defend the Tamil nation from the genocide and at the same time guide the Tamil polity to arrive at a lasting solution. Focus on the struggle against genocide, and a concerted effort towards a political solution, are like two sides of the same coin, Gajendrakumar said.
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It is exactly for that matter Tamils have to be firm in not only rejecting the devolution deception imposed by the USA and India, but also in rising up in full strength against it in the island, in Tamil Nadu and in the diaspora, as the ‘devolution’ path had already proved itself to be the path of structural genocide in the Eastern Province, commented Eezham Tamil activists for alternative polity in the island.
Tamil polity, rather than saving the East from the structural genocide by a fresh struggle approach, should not drag the North also to fall in line as desired and schemed by the local and international adversaries, the activists said.
The diaspora, looking upon the USA and the West despite a catalogue of open and repeated deceits, has already failed miserably in countering the deception when the foundations were laid at Geneva.
The ground prepared now allows New Delhi also to play active games in the diaspora.
At least now, the diaspora should wake up in sending the message in strongest possible terms to the powers that are haunting the Tamil national polity and the TNA.
Delegation of a power that visited the island on 20-21 May 2009 ‘instructed’ the TNA, Gajendrakumar said, exposing the role played by outside forces in deciding the Tamil polity and the current plight of Tamils. There are many others outside of the island too, ‘instructed’ by the powers to ‘articulate’ among Tamils.
Some articulating TNA leaders should be mindful of their historic responsibility in not committing historical blunders.
Right politicians taking right decisions at the most wanted times could make a big difference, but it is ultimately people who should come forward to mobilise in large numbers to tell them what is right and what is wrong, or who is right and who is wrong.
Voting in an election deception that is imposed, compromised, guided and manipulated is not the exact way of telling right and wrong to the politicians in our context. Get to the streets and get at their throat before they take you for a ride, or otherwise forget everything and sulk forever, commented the activists for alternative polity.