Mobilisation stops surveying of lands for militarisation by SL Navy in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 29 October 2019, 22:37 GMT]
The people of Maathakal and Chuzhipuram put up stiff resistance against surveying of 40 perches of lands that belong to a private Eezham Tamil owner near Thiruvadi-nilai on Monday. Elected Divisional Council representatives of the Tamil National Alliance, as well as SL Minister Vijayakala Maheswaran of the UNP, visited the site of protest. The protesters handed over a written appeal to stop all surveying activities. Following the mobilisation of people on Maathakal - Punnaalai Road on Monday, the SL Survey Department officials were forced to cancel also the other planned surveying activities involving more significant extent of lands at Neduntheevu (Delft) on Tuesday.
The SL Navy was influencing the Survey Department officials to carry out surveying to seize the lands of private land-owners for expanding its naval detachments and other activities. The Sinhala Navy officers were attempting to use the current election situation to carry out their plan of appropriating lands according to previous Gazette notifications. The protesters were demanding the TNA to get the SL State to revoke the Gazette notifications.