Presidential election date set
[TamilNet, Thursday, 28 October 1999, 10:36 GMT]
The Additional Elections Commissioner, Mr.M.C.Arunthavachelvam announced today that the Presidential elections will be held on December 21.
Nomination will be accepted at the Elections Commissioner's Office at Rajagiriya in Sri Jeyawardenepura, on November 16, between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. officials said. Candidates representing political parties shall pay a deposit of 50,000 Rupees and for independent candidates, it will be 75,000 Rupees, the officials added. Independent candidates must either be an MP or have previously been an MP according to the Constitution. According to officials 11.8 million voters are eligible to cast their votes in the election. The polling will be held between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. in 9890 stations, officials said. This is the fourth Presidential election in terms of Section 30 (2) of the Republican Constitution of 1978. The first was held in 1982. During the last presidential election held in November 1994, President Kumaratunga received 62.28 percent of the 10,945,065 registered votes, while the main opposition party candidate, Mrs. Shrimathy Dissanayakethe (UNP), received 35.9 percent. Unlike the Parliamentary election, it is necessary to obtain more than 50 percent of the total valid votes cast, for a candidate to be declared winner.
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