35,000 attend Tamil Internet conference
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 26 July 2000, 10:47 GMT]
Tamil Internet 2000 (TI2000), the largest conference and exhibition on the use of Tamil on the Internet held in Singapore from July 22-24 attracted almost 35,000 attendees, far exceeding the target of 20,000, the organizers said this week.
Describing the event as a resounding success, Mr. M Rajaram, Chairman, TI2000 Singapore Organising Committee, said that he is extremely pleased that the 3 day event attracted the target audience, with people coming from India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Europe and the United States in addition to Singapore. TI2000 was organised by the Tamil Internet Steering Committee (TISC), an organisation formed under the auspices of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) to promote the development and use of Tamil Internet in Singapore and the region. The event was addressed by Singapore's minister for trade and industry, George Yeo and Mr. Lim Swee Say, Minister of State for Trade & Industry and Communications & IT. The Conference recommended that urgent attention be given by the technology development organisations and the private sector to the development of key technologies such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), voice recognition, browsers, search engines and machine translations involving the Tamil Language. A call has been made for a global repository of open source software and technology in above areas. Details of the conference are on the organisers' website http://www.tamilinaiyam2000.org/