Batticaloa group said blocking TULF
[TamilNet, Saturday, 05 August 2000, 13:51 GMT]
Joseph Pararajasingham Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) MP for Batticaloa denied reports Saturday that his party was divided over the new constitution bill. "I am sure that my party will stand united in opposing the constitution bill as it falls far short of basic Tamil aspirations" the MP said.
Meanwhile, a senior People's Alliance minister said that the 'Batticaloa group' led by Mr.Pararajasingham is blocking the TULF from supporting the government's constitution package. He said that the five votes of the TULF will be crucial in the numbers game in Parliament next week. Government sources claim that Mr.R. Sampanthan, the TULF's Secretary General and Mr. Mavai Senathirajah are tacitly willing to support the bill. Several senior government ministers have got in touch with Mr.Pararajasingham who is in Batticaloa in a bid to coax the MP to fall in line. "Thurai, Selvarajah and I are determined to oppose the bill" Mr. Pararajasigham told TamilNet. P.Thurairajasingham and P. Selvarajah are TULF MPs for Batticaloa.