Man "arrested" in Anuradhapura missing
[TamilNet, Friday, 23 February 2001, 15:25 GMT]
Thabirajah Yogarajah, 30, who was allegedly arrested by Sri Lankan police personnel in Anuradhapura on 19 February has been reported 'missing'. According to a witness, Yogarajah, a native of Kantalai in the Trincomalee district who had recently been living with his wife and two children in Ukulankulam in Vavuniya, was arrested while he was travelling from Colombo to Vavuniya.
Yogarajah had phoned his wife on Sunday, 18 February and told her that he would be coming home the following day. "But he never came home," the wife said. A witness who was travelling with Thabirajah Yogarajah had informed family members about his arrest. Family members said Yogarajah's mother became sick after hearing of the arrest of her son and died at Kantalai hospital on Tuesday. Anuradhapura Police told Yogarajah's family that they had not arrested him. They further stated that his name is not on the detainee's list.