Bribe demands worsen villagers' woes
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 28 February 2001, 01:24 GMT]
Jaffna Municipal Council Mayor Mr.N.Raviraj alleged Tuesday that Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers are demanding bribes from civilians who are seeking permission from the SLA to go back to their war ravaged towns in Thenmaradchchi in Jaffna peninsula to collect personal belongings.
Villagers who fled towns of Chavakachcheri, Kaithady, Nunavil, Madduvil, Sangathaanai, Meesalai and Manthuvil which are currently under the command of SLA 52-2 brigade, have to obtain permission from the Brigade Head Quarters in Kodikamam to visit their abandoned homes. The Mayor said many villagers have complained to him of soldiers demanding liquor and other commodities like fish and prawns as bribe before giving permission. The Mayor added that he would soon visit the area and raise the issue with Brigade Commander of the SLA. The Mayor who visited Thenmaradchy area in January said after visit that Chavakachcheri town was in ruins and was not suitable for re-settlement.