NE school library development programme neglected
[TamilNet, Sunday, 31 March 2002, 19:09 GMT]
Principals have complained to the provincial education ministry authorities that, Colombo officials do not take keen interest in the implementation of the library development programme in northeast Tamil medium schools. Books allocated to northeast school libraries are lying at Colombo line ministry office. As a result three hundred newly constructed school libraries in northeast have not been put to use, said a provincial official.
Under a three-year plan, 586 Tamil medium schools in the northeast province have been selected to implement the Library Development Programme. Up to now books allocated under this project have been supplied only to two hundred and twenty two school libraries in northeast. Books allocated to the rest 348 schools are idling at the Colombo department store without transport facilities, the official said. Colombo ministry officials have failed to take serious note on requests made by provincial authorities in this regard, an official lamented. The Library Development Programme has been implemented throughout the island with a view to enhance the reading habit among students and to improve the library facilities in schools to create awareness on library culture. Under the Library Development Programme, seventy-six Tamil medium schools in the northeast have been provided with new library buildings. Furthermore library buildings in 206 schools have been reconstructed under this programme. Principals have complained to provincial authorities that they are unable to provide reading facilities to students as new libraries are without books.