STF assaults resettlement program masons
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 11 September 2002, 18:19 GMT]
Six masons working on a World Bank funded resettlement
project in Saakamam, an interior Tamil village on Sri
Lanka’s southeastern coast, were assaulted by
commandos of the elite Special Task Force, a village
official said Wednesday. Work on the site has been
halted because the masons are scared to go back to
Saakamam, said C. V. P Manikkam, the President of the
Rural Development Society of the area.
The masons were constructing a multi purpose building
in Saakamam under the World Bank funded North East
Irrigation Agriculture Program (NEIAP) to assist
families which were driven out of this agricultural
village by the STF in 1990 rebuild their homes and
resettle in their lands. The people who were evicted from Saakamam by the STF
12 years ago have been living as refugees in
Thambiluvil and Thirukkovil, about 10 kilometres
northeast of the village. They were banned from cultivating their fertile rice
fields, irrigated by the ancient Saakamam water
reservoir. The STF occupies the Irrigation Department offices and
the local co-operative society building in the centre
of Saakamam. Seven masons were returning to Thirukkovil after work
on Monday on their bicycles when they were accosted by
STF commandos who had demanded a ride to the local
camp. One of the masons told the commandos there was
not enough air in his bicycles tires and had kept
riding on. This angered the commandos who had opened fire and had
severely assaulted the six masons who had got off
their bicycles. Mr. Manikkam said no action has been evident since he
lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission
about the STF assault. “We will take up the matter
with the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission now”, he said.