Hakim removes rival from ERA chairmanship
[TamilNet, Monday, 16 December 2002, 16:47 GMT]
Mr.Rauff Hakim, leader of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) removed his rival group leader Mr.S.Subairdeen from the post of chairman of the Eastern
Rehabilitation Authority (ERA) Monday. The new Chairman is to be appointed
Tuesday by Minister Rauff Hakim, according to the media unit of the
Ministry of Port, Shipping, Eastern Regional Development and Muslim
religious cultural affairs, sources said.
The ERA comes under the Ministry of Eastern Regional Development. The
removal of Mr.Subairdeen has been considered as a severe setback to the
attempt to forge reconciliation between two groups of the SLMC, political
sources said. The rival group of the SLMC elected Mr.Subairdeen for the post of leader
ousting Mr.Rauff Hakim when the latter was away in Oslo to attend peace
talks between the UNF government and LTTE. Mr.Subairdeen still claims he is
the leader of the SLMC and not Mr.Rauff Hakim, sources said. Minister Mr.Rauff Hakim Sunday addressing the Meelad UN Nabi celebrations
at Madawela in Kandy district appealed to the SLMC dissidents to rejoin the
party without any pre-conditions. On the same day SLMC leader Minister
A.L.M.Athaullah blamed Minister Hakim for the disunity in the
party. Mr.Athaullah said Mr. Hakim could not represent the Muslims in the country in any peace talks.