UNICEF helps war damaged Nedunkerni hospital
[TamilNet, Thursday, 13 February 2003, 05:13 GMT]
The UNICEF Wednesday donated a consignment of materials including emergency lighting system, motorcycles, water pumps and first aid boxes, materials needed for the maintenance of basic health facilities of Nedunkerni government hospital, which has been damaged by the war in Mullaitivu district, sources said.
UNICEF Vavuniya project officer Mr. Hameed said at the handing over event that his organization has taken steps to provide assistance for development of
education, drinking water and health in areas affected by the war. The Nedunkerni government hospital at present functions without any basic
facilities. Public health inspectors, midwives and health workers have not
been provided with basic facilities to carry out their duties.
"We are thankful for the UNICEF assistance in this regard", said Dr.Arumugam Keetheswaran, Deputy Director of Health Services at his Vavuniya office. Dr Ketheeswaran further said that hospitals and dispensaries at Omanthai, Nedunkerni and Puliankulam have been damaged due to war. However the Nedunkern hospital functions with fewer facilities. Bottle lamps are used in the hospital to provide medical services in nights. The NECOR has agreed to provide new buildings for the Nedunkerny hospital, he added. Nedunkerni Medical Officer of Health Dr.P.Sathialingam and several officials attended the conference.