Muttur lacks basic medical services - TNA MP
[TamilNet, Sunday, 27 April 2003, 04:13 GMT]
Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian Mr.K.Thurairetnasingham Saturday brought to the notice of the Minister of Health, Nutrition and Welfare that
even after fourteen months of the ceasefire coming into
operation Muttur residents are still without basic medical services, sources said.
In a letter to the Health Minister, Mr.P.Dayaratne, TNA parliamentarian Mr.Thurairatnesingham said Eachilampathu hospital has been closed for several years without a medical officer. The health centres at Manalchchenai, Mavadichchenai and Ilakanthai Muhathuwaram have not been
opened for public though the construction work has been completed several
years ago. Acute shortage of essential drugs prevails in Killiveddy base hospital, Serunuwara district hospital, central dispensaries at Sampur and Thoppur, the letter said. The letter urged the Minister to take immediate action to improve the health services for Muttur area residents.