SLRC celebrates World Red Cross day in Batticaloa
[TamilNet, Friday, 09 May 2003, 11:23 GMT]
Sri Lanka Red Cross (SLRC) celebrated its work in helping the people affected by two decades of war in Northeast and other parts of Sri Lanka by holding several events in Batticaloa district on the World Red Cross Day, Thursday, sources in Batticaloa said.
Reflecting SLRC’s operations, blood donation, distribution of first-aid kits and voluntary work (shramadana) events were held in different parts of Batticaloa. A bicycle peace procession organized by the Manmunai North division of SLRC started from Batticaloa town and ended in Palameenmadu Hospital compound. Batticaloa representative of the Red Cross Patrick Golden and MSF representative Ms. Kelara inaugurated the bicycle event. Several residents participated in voluntary work campaigns in Mahiladithivu Hospital and other health offices in Palameenmadu, sources said. The Batticaloa branch of SLRC presented 50 first aid kits to area schools, according to SLRC sources.