Sinhala military of US design consolidates along Palk Bay challenging Tamil Nadu
[TamilNet, Thursday, 17 March 2016, 23:07 GMT]
Hundreds of soldiers of genocidal Sri Lanka have been deployed between Iluppaik-kadavai in Maanthai-West of Mannaar and the strategic Poonakari in the north of Vanni mainland along the coastal belt facing the Palk Bay in recent days. The occupying Sinhala soldiers are transforming their temporary positions into permanent structures. Even the travellers along the A32 Highway from Mannaar through Poonakari to Jaffna could witness the systematic deployment of the SL soldiers being busily engaged in consolidating their positions and cantonments. The betrayal committed upon the Eezham Tamils by the Geneva-based ‘Human Rights’ discourse, which is primarily exploited by the world powers for their geopolitical manoeuvrings on the island, has ended up strengthening the military grip of genocidal Sri Lanka on Eezham Tamils.
The SL military manoeuvrings in the strategic part of the Eezham Tamil country facing the Tamil Nadu coast is viewed as long term preparations jointly undertaken by Washington and New Delhi, accompanied by shielding operations by the UN outfits such as the OHCHR headed by military minds in the guise of human rights.

While the territory under red circles mark the Sinhala military consolidation under Mahinda Rajapaksa seen as ‘pro China’, the coast under yellow circle mark the expansion of the consolidation started by Rajapaksa and continued by Ranil-Maithiri regime viewed as ‘pro USA’. New Delhi continues to have military-to-military relations with genocidal Sinhala military. The ultimate target is land and waters of Tamils in the Indian-Ocean. The places mentioned in the feature come under the yellow circle. [Satellite image courtesy: Google Earth. Legend by TamilNet]
There is a large war-time fortification at Tha'l'laadi in Mannaar commanding the Adam's Bridge Reef in the Palk Bay. More
lands were seized in June 2015 to expand this cantonment after Maithiripala Sirisena came to power.
The regime under Rajapaksa had already transformed Mu'l'lik-ku'lam in the Gulf of Mannaar in the southern part of the Adam's Bridge Reef into a SL Navy cantonment in Musali division. The uprooted Tamils have been
demanding their lands back.
At the northernmost position of Vanni mainland in the A32 Highway is the Poonakari area where two brigades (means 20,000 soldiers) plus 11 divisions (11,000 soldiers) of the genocidal Sinhala military stationed.
Even the 6000 odd Tamil families who have been allowed to resettle in the Poonakari division have been put to all kinds of abuses by the occupying Sinhala military so that the families would either become Sinhalicized slaves or would leave the area.
The recent abuse was
documented with video evidence in February 2016 when the occupying Sri Lankan military forced the former LTTE members turned into a slave workforce to sing the national anthem of genocidal Sri Lanka in Sinhala.
The SL Navy stationed along the coastal belt has been attacking not only fishermen from Tamil Nadu, but also Tamil fishermen from Mannaar as
recently evidenced on 13 February.
Further, Sinhala operatives belonging to the ‘Terrorist’ Investigation Division have stepped up their
interrogation style raids in Mannaar disregarding the calls from human rights watchdogs to shut down the notorious TID.
The occupation of Tamils' lands was stepped up by SL
Forest Department and
Wildlife Department, especially after Maithiripala Sirisena came to power.
TamilNet has reported in December 2015 that the SL military was
seizing more lands at Vidaththal-theevu, located in the same strip of coast. SL military officers were confronting the resettling Tamils saying they would seize more lands from them.
On Monday this week, Northern Provincial Council Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran was co-chairing the Mannaar District Development Council where he was addressing the complaints of continued seizure of Tamils lands, farms and fishing jetties from the grassroots societies that represent the resettled people of Maanthai West.
When Justice Wigneswaran sought answers from the SL military commanders, who were present at the meeting, they were not able to give proper response to the questions raised by Justice Wigneswaran.
The DCC meeting almost ended in uproar.
The SL military is still running the farms that should rightfully belong to the resettled civilians in Ve'l'aangku'lam in the district facing the coast of the Palk Bay.
The Tamil families were earlier working in the farms that were created or expanded during the LTTE administration to ensure the livelihood of civilians in Vanni.
One of the resettled Tamil man, who voiced for the rights of uprooted Tamils, was shot and killed in November 2014. The culprits behind the assassination were protected and released during the regime of Maithiripala Sirisena.
The SL military, which seized these farms after the genocidal onslaught, have transformed these farms into Sinhala military corporate run farms, while the resettling people were struggling for livelihood.
The military personnel working in these farms have also been accused of committing serious crimes against Tamil women. The latest incident was confronted by the Tamil villagers at
Muzhangkaavil in February this year.
The Sinhala militarisation has been stepped up from Mannaar to Poonakari while people and media were only focusing on Valikaamam North and Champoor in Trincomalee where some symbolic and public relations stunts have taken place with regards to resettlement.
In the meantime, thousands of acres of lands have been seized in other areas that have been subjected to demographic and structural genocide for several years.
However, according to former Jordanian military-man-turned-diplomat Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad who is the Human Rights High Commissioner in Geneva, Sri Lanka has made "powerful symbolic gestures of reconciliation". The UN Human Rights Commissioner has been definitely
engaged as a stooge in serving the U.S. geostrategic interests as sharply pointed out by Professor Francis Boyle in a recent comment to TamilNet.

Sri Lanka's large military establishments that choke Jaffna peninsula and threaten Indian security. Sinhala colonisation is carried out in places no 11, 13, 14, and 16. The locations: 1. High Security Zone, Valikaamam North, 2. Kaarainakar naval base, 3. Vallan, Pungkudutheevu, 4. Periyathu'rai and Saamiththoadda-munai, Delft (Key location for Kachchatheevu and Rameswaram), 5. Kunthavadi, Delft, 6. Thalai-mannaar, 7. Mannaar Fort, 8. Tha'l'laadi, 9. Poonakari Fort, 10. Elephant Pass, 11. Vettilaikkea'ni, 12. Naakarkoayil, 13. Ariyaalai East and the opposite sandbar Ma'n'niththalai, 14. Naavatkuzhi, 15. Ma'ndaitheevu,16. Jaffna city, 17. Kachcha-theevu and 18. Naachchik-kudaa. The innumerable small military posts and the newly planned cantonments in Vanni are not shown in the map. [Satellite Image courtesy: NASA, Visible Earth. Legend by TamilNet]
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