Opinion Article

Tamils and World War III

[TamilNet, Saturday, 23 January 2016, 00:24 GMT]
The world imperceptibly enters into World War III. This is a war different in many ways from the previous two. It is not fought among powers, but fought against peoples all over the world. Tamils are one of the targeted peoples. If agencies are hurriedly deployed from all quarters, to concentrate solely on one point, i.e., to detract and contain the national question of Eezham Tamils, that is to consolidate the Colombo-centric genocidal system in order to use it and its military in an impending larger war or in entry into the region. The message should go clearly from global mobilisation of Tamils, irrespective of Tamil Nadu or Eezham origins that they look at the question of Eezham Tamils as a test case in considering world orders coming from the West or East.

The message should also go to the Sinhala nation, whether it wants to be on the side of peoples of the region, respecting other nations, or wants to have a genocidal ride on transient geopolitics and ultimately become an outcast in the region and in history.

If the Tamil People’s Council (TPC) is not orientated to global mobilisation of Tamils and other similar peoples in the world to question the powers from a position of strength and ideology, it will be only another TNA, GTF, TGTE etc., playing in the hands of the powers for further deception of Tamils. It cannot even justify dropping nation in its name, if the move is not for world Tamil mobilisation.

Any move coming from the TPC towards global mobilisation to course-correct powers has to be wholeheartedly supported. But without waiting for TPC the world Tamils have to be awakened to the realities.

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Tamils talking of the glories of their maritime past is irrelevant today. None of that identity survives.

Tamils should never forget that outside of South Asia, today’s distribution of global Tamils from Guyana to Fiji is essentially a phenomenon of two enslavement drives effected by colonialism and war, either coming from the West or involving the West.

European colonialism first took away system-collapsed South Indian Tamils as indentured labourers. Then came the decades-long genocide, partnered by the US-led West and the successors of British Raj, sophisticatedly enslaving refugee-diaspora of Eezham Tamils.

In any part of the world Tamils became stateless. Note that the Sinhala nation never went through these drives.

The continued genocide, annihilation of the nation and territory of Eezham Tamils and engineering to contain the diaspora – all are part of World War III orchestrations.

The confidence of the orchestrators lies in the statelessness of Tamils for 500 years and in the habitually subservient lot among them.

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If the first two world wars were fought among powers in competition for territory and resources, the Third World War is different in many ways. The concerned forces have seen the world as a ball from the space. It is now planet monopoly.

There are no governments of peoples but imperialism of corporates. The corporates, disproportionally orientated to particular parts of the world, control the Establishments called governments.

All the articulating Establishments are together in waging the Third World War against peoples all over the world. In waging a war against peoples there is no ‘balance of fear’ to worry about nuclear weapons.

Currently, West Asia, southern South Asia and maritime Southeast Asia are some of the chosen spots. It will be expanded to other parts of the world as well. Tamils are one of the chosen targets as they are not agreeable to the agent-State in Colombo or not conducive to the agenda based on the island.

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Eezham Tamils were deceived well before the Second World War itself in 1931, by the talk of comparing the British game of cricket to the British-modelled ‘parliamentary democracy’ introduced in the island that both sides would have their chances to bat.

During the Second World War, citing the war, Tamils were denied of solutions and after the war they were prodded to the unitary Colombo-centric system.

Amidst hot preparations for World War III, the Swiss-organised counselling in Jaffna earlier this week was talking of the so-called international community now preferring ‘vertical’ models of solution for cases such as that of Eezham Tamils. The terminology implying hierarchy tells Tamils to become slaves to slaves. In saying so, Switzerland probably has a balling game in mind to suit the times of seeing the world as a ball.

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In facing such bold deceptions setting a paradigm based on genocidal Sri Lanka, a challenging global Tamil mobilisation seeing the larger picture and enlightenment of younger generation aware of past and present, could only help the stateless Tamils in the long run. Global Tamils should have an own programme independent of World War III partners.

Despite the number and distribution of Tamils in the world, and highly qualified of them serving various world establishments, unfortunately no independent intellectual movement of international calibre is so far forthcoming from them in enlightening masses on the larger picture, and in mobilising them for a global solution to the Tamil cause.

Intellectual movement precedes any meaningful political movement of international impact.

Hardly one sees any writing or voice of international calibre coming from any Tamil in this regard. It is rather surprising to see Tamil Nadu with its powerful media empires and the Tamil Nadu diaspora with its eminent academic professionals lagging behind.

In contrast, the Sinhala elite is long trained and groomed in hoodwinking international opinion and camouflaging the genocidal State in the services of geostrategy masters.

The academic institutions in the West nowadays are extraordinarily keen in hijacking the younger generation of Eezham Tamils into deviating researches, projects and publications. Fund, career and simulated recognition are the lures. Honest, sensitive and true academics among them would realise what is their duty at least at some stage in their life.

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A section of articulating Tamil writers seen in English media today are the so-called Marxists of the Peradeniya-Colombo genre. They still parrot a catalogue of old arguments to say why Tamil Eelam is “Ku’run Theasiyavaatham” (narrow nationalism), why it is not viable and why any independent state for Tamils or any Tamil national movement should not be promoted, as it would only serve the interests of the USA.

Saying so, for decades they were ironically facilitating a Colombo-centric genocidal State that was serving the interests of the USA.

If both the World Socialist Website and the corporate imperialisms of World War III want to see Eezham Tamils dropping their national claim, then there must be something wrong.

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