75 matching reports found. Showing 41 - 60 [TamilNet, Wednesday, 24 December 2003, 08:10 GMT]Maj. Gen. Susil Chandrapala, the new Sri Lankan security forces commander for Jaffna, told TamilNet Wednesday that the question of Sri Lanka army high security zones in Jaffna is not a matter for the district’s Government Agent but it is one that’s under his purview. He was speaking to the local press after a meeting between civilian officials and the military at the Jaffna District Secretariat Wednesday morning. Full story >> [TamilNet, Tuesday, 23 December 2003, 14:17 GMT]"I want the people of Jaffna to live without the interference of the military in their day-to-day lives. I want good relations with them," said Maj. Gen. Susil Chandrapala, the new Sri Lankan security forces commander for Jaffna, during a discussion with the Council of Non-Governmental Organisations in the northern peninsula, according to NGO Council officials who took part in the meeting Tuesday. Full story >> [TamilNet, Friday, 12 December 2003, 00:01 GMT]" We earnestly request the international agencies and other authorities to take effective measures to remove the Sri Lanka Army from the areas in the northeast province where schools are located in the high security zones and from the vicinity of schools, so that they can function in a favorable
and peaceful atmosphere," the LTTE's Education Council of Thamileelam said in a paper presented at the workshop held in Trincomalee Thursday.
Full story >> [TamilNet, Friday, 17 October 2003, 00:01 GMT]The North East Provincial Department of Education held the first provincial level Science-Mathematics Quiz Competition for Grade 11 year students who have excelled in zonal level competitions. The winners of twenty-four zonal
level competitions participated at the provincial level competition held Wednesday in Trincomalee Sri Shanmuga Hindu Ladies College hall, sources said. Full story >> [TamilNet, Wednesday, 27 August 2003, 15:59 GMT]The Sri Lanka Army Wednesday said civilians would be allowed to visit
Hartley College and Methodist Girls High School in the high security zone
of Point Pedro town in Jaffna district only on Wednesdays and they will need prior permission obtained from the security forces, civil sources said.
Full story >> [TamilNet, Saturday, 16 August 2003, 19:06 GMT]The Sri Lanka Army Friday evening denied permission for parents and education officials to enter two leading schools in Jaffna, the Methodists Girls' High School and Hartley College in Point Pedro when they arrived at the army checkpoint near the institutions, parents and officials said. Full story >> [TamilNet, Friday, 08 August 2003, 15:28 GMT]The former Vice Chancellor of the Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Prof. K.D. Arulpragasam, died in Colombo Thursday of natural causes, and the Eastern University community is mourning the death, sources in Batticaloa said. Full story >> [TamilNet, Tuesday, 22 July 2003, 14:48 GMT]Jaffna undergrads and the public Tuesday prevented an European Union function attended by Sri Lankan cabinet minister Dr.Jayalath Jayawardene from being held at the Kailasapathy auditorium, Jaffna University, for handing over fifty five schools renovated with the funds provided by the EU, saying they would not allow any Sri Lankan minister to hold any function inside the university premises until students in the peninsula were allowed to pursue their studies free of military pressure of the Sri Lankan
government, education department sources said.
Full story >> [TamilNet, Thursday, 17 July 2003, 18:06 GMT]School development society officials in Jaffna complained Thursday that the progress of Hartley College and the Methodist Girls High School, premier educational institutions in the Northen Province and located in Point Pedro in the Vadamaradchi division, has been set back as these institutions come under a high security zone imposed by the Sri Lankan security forces.
Full story >> [TamilNet, Friday, 20 June 2003, 15:10 GMT]524 Brigade of the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) located in Point Pedro Friday ordered no students and teachers should enter the Hartley College and Methodist Girls
College after three p.m. These two leading educational institutions in the
Vadamarachchi division are located inside the SLA 524 brigade complex,
sources said. Full story >> [TamilNet, Monday, 12 May 2003, 00:28 GMT]Velupillai Pirapaharan, leader of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) , awarded the 'Maamanithar' medal to Yogaluxmi Ponnambalam, wife of late Kumar Ponnambalam, in honor of her husband in a special function held in Kilinochchi, Sunday, sources said. Late Kumar's children, Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, a lawyer and Tamil National Alliance (TNA)Parliamentarian, and Mirnalini Ponnambalam, a physician, accompanied their mother to the function. Full story >> [TamilNet, Thursday, 17 April 2003, 13:40 GMT]Pt. Pedro is the oldest harbour town on the Jaffna peninsula’s sea coast. The Portuguese called the town Puntas das Padras (rocky point) on account of the reefs that line its coast. Tamils, however, still refer to it by its old name Paruththithurai (cotton port in Tamil). This week the townspeople celebrated the annual chariot and water cutting festivals of one of their old temples that have lain long and neglected inside the SLA’s high security zone in Pt. Pedro. Full story >> [TamilNet, Tuesday, 26 November 2002, 16:23 GMT]Students of Hartley College, Point Pedro, in the Jaffna district Tuesday
boycotted classes in protest of the removal by the Sri Lankan Army of
cutouts and other decorations made in celebration of the Maveerar Naal
(Heros' Day).
Full story >> [TamilNet, Tuesday, 05 November 2002, 16:28 GMT]The Point Pedro Police Sunday arrested a Tamil student for causing damage to Sri Lanka Army (SLA) property in the high security zone on 2 September during an agitation by residents and students demanding the removal of SLA camps and sentries located in the vicinity of Hartley College and Methodist Girls High School. Full story >> [TamilNet, Sunday, 22 September 2002, 16:35 GMT]“The National Institute of Education (NIE) discriminates against Tamil medium education, distorts the island’s history taught in schools and is dominated by Singhalese. We can develop and improve our education system when the interim administration for the Northeast is established,” said Mr. Ilankumaran, head of the Education Division of the Liberation Tigers, addressing the inaugural meeting of the Jaffna Education Development Society (EDS) Sunday.
Full story >> [TamilNet, Sunday, 22 September 2002, 13:42 GMT]The Principal of Point Pedro Hartley College in Point
Pedro, Jaffna, was severely assaulted by a group of
unidentified persons Saturday night. Mr. Murugupillai
Sripathi, 57, is warded at the Manthikai government
hospital, two miles south of Pt.Pedro town.
Full story >> [TamilNet, Friday, 13 September 2002, 21:09 GMT]The Sri Lanka army arrested a fisherman in Pt. Pedro Friday night around 9. 30 p.m. sources said. Ponnuchchami Jeyartnam, 59, was at the Munai beach near Pt. Pedro town when soldiers from the 52-4 Brigade took him into custody. Human rights lawyers said the situation is serious because the Sri Lanka army, which has no legal power whatsoever to make arrests after the Emergency lapsed last year, is continuing to take civilians into custody in Pt. Pedro. Full story >> [TamilNet, Tuesday, 10 September 2002, 18:08 GMT]Soldiers of the Sri Lanka army Tuesday arrested the
president of a fisheries co-operative society in Pt.
Pedro and a local fisherman for allegedly causing
damage to properties belonging to the military during
a protest last week by students and parents in the
northern town . “The arrests are in clear violation of
the ceasefire agreement between the Liberation Tigers
and the Sri Lankan government and hence a very
alarming development”, a lawyer in Pt. Pedro said.
Full story >> [TamilNet, Monday, 09 September 2002, 19:13 GMT]Student turn out was very low when the Sri Lanka army
permitted the reopening of Hartley College and Pt.
Pedro Methodist Girls High School in Jaffna Monday
amid tensions, teachers said. The two schools were
shut down by the SLA last week when students and
parents, who were protesting against the military,
urging it to remove its bunkers and defence positions
around the two schools, stormed the checkpoints and
demolished some.
Full story >> [TamilNet, Saturday, 07 September 2002, 22:58 GMT]The Sri Lanka's Defence Secretary said Saturday that Point Pedro Hartley
College and Methodist Girls High School in Jaffna district are within in the
high security zone, which encompasses the harbour, courthouse, rest house
and some other public offices. The roads leading to these schools will not
be opened to the public, he said.
Full story >>